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Monday, December 28, 2015

What Is The Internet ( Internet Definition )

What Is The Internet - Internet Definition - Surely you are already familiar in everyday life with the Internet. In fact, maybe some of you have started to rely on the internet. You should use the Internet to send email, chat with friends, hanging out on social networking sites, searching for information, online learning, and so on. In other words, the Internet has become a part of life. We can no longer live without the Internet.

What Is The Internet - Internet Definition
Internet comes from the International Network, if translated directly means the international network. The Internet is a collection of computers that are connected to one another in a network. Called international networks as the Internet connects computers and computer networks that exist in the whole world into a huge computer network. Therefore, the internet is a collection of computer networks that are connected to each other.

Therefore, a network, a computer connected to the internet means to connect with all computers around the world that are also connected to the internet. All computers connected to the Internet can access all the information found on the Internet for free.

The Internet is a world that does not have the authority. That is, everyone has the same rights on the internet. Therefore, the Internet is a world that is free to enter without being tied down to a specific country regulations and without being limited by territorial boundaries of a particular country as well.

Benefits of the Internet in the Life

a. As a source of data and information, means of communication of data and information.
Internet store various types of information with an unlimited number. You can access any information on the internet. If you want, you can also put information in © Internet to be accessible by others such as create blogs, create forums, and others.

b. As a means of data communication and information, the Internet can be used for data communication and information from one computer to another computer without being limited by the physical distance of the second computer. Two computers are equally connected to the internet can be interconnected with each other and exchange data and information. Access and exchange of data and information is done in a very fast time.

Internet is becoming one of the triggers of globalization because it has eliminated the boundaries of the world. The Internet allows anyone to access the information stored on a computer elsewhere in the world. The Internet has made two people from different hemispheres can communicate without being limited by state boundaries, time, distance, law, or a state bureaucracy. read a brief history of the Internet

Various Internet applications

Internet applications are now widely available and will continue to grow in line with advances in information technology. Internet applications are then used in various fields, such as academic, military, medical, mass media, advertising and various other industrial sectors.

Of the many Internet applications that exist today, the most widely known and used, among others, the World Wide Web (www), Email, Mailing List (mailing lists), newsgroups, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Ping Gophea Telnet and VoIP.

The functions of each application are as follows.
  •     Word Wide Web
Word Wide Web or www, or commonly called web, is the most important application. The web application allows computers on the Internet mutually exchange information in a special document format of the call with hypertext or hypermedia format called hypermedia format because the document format allows the information stored in various forms, such as text, images on internet web .
Dokumen stored on a computer server available on the internet. It is estimated there are hundreds of thousands of computer servers spread across the Internet. Computer server that stores web documents referred to by the web server (web server).

Web document that has hypermedia format created using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). HTML has the ability to connect (link) a document with other documents even if the documents are placed on different web servers.
  •     Electronics Letters
Electronics (electronic mail), or better known as email, is a means of communication for Internet applications and correspondence in electronic form. Send email exactly the same as sending a regular letter. The difference is, an email is sent in electronic form and sent through a network of computers on the Internet.

In addition to sending messages, email can also be used to send document files, images, video, sound, and so on. Email is a communication tool that is cheap and fast. An email will be sent until shortly after the email is sent is sent to other parts of the world or it can be said to be up to that moment is very far though email. Is said to be cheaper because the cost for sending emails only cost incurred for internet connection.

  •     Mailing List
Mailing List or mailing lists are often called Internet applications that are used as a means of discussion or exchange of information within a group via email. Every email sent to the mailing address will be sent to all email addresses listed as a member of the mailing list.

Mailing actually another form of email. This facility is used by the group to exchange information and discuss with fellow members of the group. Mailing lists have the same properties with email applications.
  •     Newsgroups
Newsgroups are Internet applications that are used to communicate with each other in a forum. Newsgroup forum members usually have the same interests and interests and discuss certain topics. Means that may be used dapatberupa multimedia (audiovisual) using video conference facilities, media text only, or text and audio media by using the chat facility (PRC).

Newsgroups can be considered as a bullettinboard. With newsgroups, everyone is free to attach his opinion to be read by others who are members of the group. Newsgroups allow each member of the group to convey information quickly to people who are members of a group.

  •     Internet Relay Chat
The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an Internet application that is used to communicate on the internet. Speaking on the internet known as chat. Although called speaking, communication is actually performed using text. Chatting is done by typing the text and then send it.

Currently multiple chat services on the Internet have been equipped with means for displaying an image taken from a webcam. By using this facility, the offender can "converse" while looking at pictures of people who were invited to chat.
  •     File Transfer Protocol
File transfer Protocol or FTP is often abbreviated as Internet applications are used to send or retrieve files to or from another computer. FTP allows the transfer of data from one computer to another on the Internet takes place more quickly. FTP is often used to locate and retrieve (upload or download) a document file on a server on the Internet that has a specific address that provides a variety of files.

The file is indeed allowed by the owner to be taken by Internet users who need it. File this document may be the result of research, articles, journals, and others. FTP is also often used on the internet site owners to put (upload or upload) files to a web document web server that can be accessed by all Internet users.

  •     Telnet
Telnet is the Internet application used to access a computer that is located jauh.Telnet can be used if you have the IP address of the computer you want to access and permissions USER ID and password to that computer. IP address is the Internet protocol numbers are given to all computers connected to the Internet.

all picture by http://www.freepik.com
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