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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Define Operating System And Explain its Functions

Define Operating System And Explain its Functions - The operating system has an important role today in supporting the development of information technology. This is because almost all developed applications currently running on the operating system. The operating system is a program that controls all the functions that exist on the computer. The operating system became the basis for user application development platform. Generally, all operating systems have the following four functions.

Define Operating System And Explain its Functions

Define Operating System And Explain its Functions

Control access to a variety of hardware connected to the computer. (Management of hardware)
File and folder management (management of files and folders)
Providing user interface as a bridge between users with computer hardware (Management user interaction)
Management of user applications (Application Management)

Control Hardware
Define Operating System And Explain its Functions - Access to a variety of hardware connected to the computer is provided by the operating system through an application known as the driver. Each driver designed to control the hardware.

Define Operating System And Explain its Functions - Installing these drivers do their own application operating system during installation or when the hardware is connected to the computer. Installation mechanism automatically when the device is connected is known as the Plug and Play (PnP).

File and Folder Management
Define Operating System And Explain its Functions- This is made possible by the operating system during installation because the operating system is no process to format the hard drive. Through the process of disk space will be arranged such that they have certain blocks to save the file. This process is similar to the placement of shelves at the empty space to be filled in later books. A file is a collection of blocks that are interrelated and have a name. The folder is a container that can contain files or sub-folders other. Each of the files related to the computer program is placed in a separate folder for easy file search.

Interaction management
Define Operating System And Explain its Functions - Users can use a computer via the application of existing (installed) on the computer. Each application provides the interface to receive a possible interaction from the user. There are two types of interfaces that can be used to interact with the user, namely:
Command Line Interface (CLI)
User interaction with the system is done by typing a series of sentences to be done by computer command.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Here the user interaction is done through a set of menus and icons that can be selected by the user to give commands to the computer.

Application management
Any application that is run by the operating system to locate the program file and move the contents into memory for later sending each command on the file to be run by a computer. Here the user application is an application used by the user to accomplish a certain goal.

Management functions in user applications could include:
Install, the process of placing the program files on the computer system including the configuration of the program.
Uninstall, the process for deleting files along with the configuration of the computer program.
Update / Upgrade, the process of updating the files of the programs you have installed.

In addition to having the above management functions, modern operating systems can also have the following capabilities:
Multi-user - two or more users can work together to mutually share the use of applications and resources such as a printer at the same time.
Multi-tasking - the operating system can run more than one application user.
Multi-processing - the operating system may use more than one CPU (Central Processing Unit).
Multi-threading - each program can be broken down into threads to then be run separately (parallel) by the operating system. This capability is also included as part of a multitasking application.

Operating system 32-bit and 64-bit
There are two differences between the operating system 32-bit and 64-bit.
32-bit operating system can only accept a maximum of 4 GB of RAM, while the 64-bit operating system is able to use more than 128 GB of RAM.
Memory management of 64-bit systems is also better, so it can run on a faster application process.
Windows, Ubuntu and openSUSE are some examples of operating systems that support 32-bit architecture.

Judging from the use of the operating system can be divided into two major groups, namely:
Desktop operating system, which is widely used in offices, Small Office / Home Office (SOHO), with the number of users is small.

Network operating system, Network Operating System (NOS), designed to serve the user in large quantities for a variety of purposes and is widely used in large-scale enterprises.
Read : Examples of Operating System

Desktop operating system has the following characteristics:
Supports use by one user
Sharing files and folders in a small network with minimum security
Currently on the market, the desktop operating system most widely used is divided into three major groups, namely Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, and UNIX / Linux.

Microsoft Windows
Is a proprietary desktop operating systems developed by Microsoft company with its founder Bill Gates. The first version of this operating system is Windows
1:01 released in 1985. Windows 8.1 is the newest Microsoft operating system, released October 2013.

Apple Mac Os
Apple Mac Os in conjunction with Microsoft Windows is a proprietary operating system developed by Apple. The system is designed as an operating system that is friendly to the user (user-friendly). Latest version of this system is the development of the UNIX operating system.

UNIX / Linux
UNIX, introduced late 1960s, is one of the oldest operating system. The program code of the operating system is unlocked so it can be adopted by various companies. From UNIX is now being born a new operating system which is a derivative. Linux is a UNIX derivative operating system that is equally open source code to the public. Linux was first developed by Linus Torvalds and the version released in 1991.

Debian is a Linux distribution developed by the company Debian community. Debian 7 Wheezy, is the latest version of the operating system Linux. Besides debian still many other Linux distributions such as Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE, and Slackware. Android as a mobile operating system also includes a derivative of the Linux operating system
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