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Monday, May 9, 2016

Network Operating System Installation Methods

Network Operating System Installation- Installation is the most prior to the build server. This installation includes two things, the installation of hardware and software. As a server that will server the communication between the network, the server must have at least two network cards. One for the internal network and other external networks. Other requirements in the installation server installation follow the general requirements Operating System, such as 

The amount of RAM required
Large hard drive space will be used
The type and processor speed
Resolution video / screen (required for the operating system GUI)

This information is normally supplied by the provider of the operating system is concerned. For example, for the Operating System Debian Wheezy with Desktop requires a computer device requirements such as the following.
- At least a Pentium IV processor 1 GHz
- A minimum of 128 MB RAM (Recommended 512 MB)
- At least 5 GB hard drive


The operating system is installed in a particular part of the disk. This particular location commonly known as the disk partitions. There are several methods that can be used to install the operating system. The determination of these methods can be based on hardware conditions, the requirements of its own operating system and user needs. Here's a choice of four types of operating system installation:

1. New Installation
This option can be used when the network is to be built is a new network or the addition of a new server device that does not support the network operating system that exists today. If you choose this option then all the data on the selected partition will be deleted. If there are applications that have been installed previously on the old operating system, then there will need to be reinstalled.

2. Upgrade
This option is widely used in network systems that are already running. This option is usually done for their improvement features of the operating system used, as well as new features that are necessary. By selecting this option already installed a previous application will likely still be used after the upgrade. This upgrade option will only replace files of the previous operating system with a new one.

3. Multi-boot
If required to have more than one operating systems on one computer, then this option can be selected to allow the use of more than one operating system. Later, each operating system will be placed on each partition. Therefore, there needs to be preparation before installation partition multi-boot it.

4. Virtualization
Virtualization is a technique that allows the operating system installation performed on the operating system that exists today. Not in a specific partition but in a specific file. This file is a representation of a virtual computer system. One computer can have more than one virtual computer. Therefore, the installation of more than one operating system is also possible with this technique. Some applications are allowed to make this virtual system is VirtualBox, VMWare and Virtual PC.

Before installing the operating system there are some things that need to be considered, namely:

- The structure of the partition that will be used
One technique that is used to secure the data on the machine is to create different partitions for system and data. Given this separation will allow the system will be upgraded without affecting the data. This division can also assist in the backup and restore process.

- Determining the type of file system
The file system is a file management system that applied the operating system to manage the files stored on the hard drive. There are many file systems that have been developed at this time. Some frequently used is FAT16 / 32, NTFS, HPFS, ext2, ext3, ext4. Each operating system can have more than one file system. As Ubuntu Linux to manage almost all file systems that exist today. Each of the selected file systems has disadvantages and advantages of each.

When this has many applications that can be used to process and file system partition on the hard drive. Changes made after installation partition can allow the loss of data. Therefore, it needs good planning related to the determination of the structure and file system that will be used.

There are many partitions can be created for the Linux operating system. The following are the partitions that are commonly used.

- /, Is the primary partition (root) on the Linux operating system. Its role is similar to drive C: in Windows XP. On every Linux installation is partitioning always be made. The file system that is used to format this partition is ext4. The minimum size of this partition is 5 GB. A minimum of 8 GB to more freely install other programs.

- / Home is a partition for the user. This partition can contain user data. Data herein can include documents, images, audio, video and user application configuration. This is similar to the Documents and Settings folder or Users on Windows. These partitions can be rolled into the root partition (/) or on its own partition. The file system on the partition also typically use ext4. The magnitude of this partition can be determined based on the amount of data which is likely to be generated.

- / Boot, a boot partition containing the application (running) operating system. This partition can not be made. If you created will be useful later on during the installation of the multi-boot operating system. The file system is also generally able to use ext4.

- Swaps is a partition of RAM on Linux systems. This partition can be used as additional RAM (virtual memory). This is useful when the system runs out of RAM (physical). The more the number of applications that run the greater the amount of RAM used. By the time the system runs out of RAM, Linux swap partitions can use this as an additional RAM. In Linux there swapping the term used to denote the process of moving a page of memory RAM to swap. The page is in the memory blocks. The size of this partition at least equal to the amount of RAM available. However, it is suggested that the amount of swap twice the RAM.

Please check the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq and HTTP: //www.dd- wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Linux_SWAP for further explanation about the swap.

The Linux operating system is an operating system that has so many variants. This variant is known as distributions. For beginners are sometimes difficult to determine who would use Linux distro. Here are two sites that can be used as reference elections its Linux distributions.

- Http://distrowatch.com/, at this site, will be displayed statistics every Linux distro that is ordered from most. Until the time of this writing, the top three distributions this week is Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and Debian. In addition, there are also displays the page http://w3techs.com/technologies/details/os-linux/all/all Linux usage statistics.

- Http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/, visitors on this site, which wants to determine distributions that fit him, will be guided by questions about Linux needs to be expected. Until now, this book is made of supported languages is still a little bit with the main language is English. There are about 16 questions that will be given. The end result is the recommendation of several Linux distributions that may be appropriate.

Each distro there is turndown from other distributions, such as Ubuntu is derived from Debian and Mint is derived from Ubuntu / Debian. Although different in every distribution still run the same Linux system. Associated with installation methods, in general, there are some similarities, such as the partitioning, user, keyboard, and timing. As an illustration, the following are the points Debian operating system installation. Read : Examples Of Operating System

- Configuring the BIOS for booting via CD / DVD.
- Selection of the installation mode text or graphical (GUI)
- Selection of the language, the current location and the type of keyboard
- Setting the network and the hostname (computer)
- Determination of the password for the root user
- Creation of new user
- Determining the appropriate timing of the current location
- Determination of partition scheme that will be used
- Management of the application package source (CD or mirror)
- Selection of applications to be installed
- Installing boot loader
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